Friday, 6 March 2015

what Is MVC(Model-View-Controllers)


Model represent capabilities. A model might be a single object (as an alternative dull), or it would be some structure of objects.

There will have to be a one-to-one correspondence between the model and its parts on the one hand, and the represented world as perceived by means of the proprietor of the model on the other hand.


 A view is a (visible) illustration of its mannequin. It might regularly spotlight specific attributes of the model and suppress others. It's thus performing as a presentation filter.

A view is hooked up to its model  and gets the information essential for the presentation from the model by using asking questions. It might also replace the mannequin via sending appropriate messages. All these questions and messages must be in the terminology of the model, the view will as a consequence have to comprehend the semantics of the attributes of the mannequin it represents


A controller is the link between a user and the process. It supplies the user with input with the aid of arranging for primary views to reward themselves in appropriate locations on the monitor. It supplies method for consumer output by way of offering the person with menus or other way of giving commands and data. The controller receives such user output, translates it into the correct messages and cross these messages on to one or more of the views

The new era of web applications has introduced a number of frameworks designed to aid in rapid development. But, no matter what your preferred language is, finding a suitable framework is not usually an easy task.

Any question about Web Application Framework writes down in comment box. Everyday check this blog u will learn lot things of C programming and Web application development

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